About Me

In February of 2012, Megan completed 750 hours of training in clinical massage therapy, and graduated as valedictorian of her class from The Soma Institute in Chicago, Illinois.  As part of her training at Soma, she volunteered as a therapist at the...



When I first started training as a massage therapist in 2010, I wrote to a friend,

 "The connection between mind-soul-body is endlessly interesting
and beautiful to me.  Part of what has attracted me to massage
therapy is the chance to work towards healing for people on a different plane than where medicine or psychology operate--to reach the broken parts of people that are beyond what they could tell a doctor or psychologist in words."

That is still true today, and is the ultimate goal of my massage therapy practice.  Whether you are seeking massage therapy for relief from physical pain, for treatment of an injury, or as a way to work through psychological and emotional issues, I am committed to facilitate healing in a way that recognizes your whole person.

I am also committed to educating my clients about their bodies, treating the source of their pain rather than the symptoms alone, and guiding them toward a healthier lifestyle.  My training as a massage therapist has focused on clinical massage (more what you'd find at a chiropractor or physical therapy clinic than at a spa).  You can read more about clinical massage and about my training by clicking on the "About Me" page or the "Services and Rates" section.  To find out more about appointment times and location, click on "Hours".  To make an appointment, click on "Contact Me" and send me a message.  I will call you back to confirm the details of your appointment, and also answer any questions you might have.